
Despite the fact that Intersex voices may seem near silent and Intersex people seem near invisible there are a number of incredible organisations, campaigns, and projects that are on-going and making meaningful strides in the name of Intersex people and working to ensure their human rights are enshrined and protected. This page is designed to show you what else is out there and give a brief summary of what they do. Who knows, you yourself may want to get involved and work for one of these great organisations. 

I will continue to add organisations to the list below but in the meantime get to grips with the amazing resources and wealth of information they have to offer.


Intersex UK

Intersex UK works to protect the bodily autonomy of intersex children, teens, and adolescents through government lobbying and educational outreach in the United Kingdom and Ireland. I am their current Campaign & Media Manager. 

Organisation Intersex International


OII (see US branch logo right) was established to give voice to intersex people, including those speaking languages other than just English, for people born with bodies which have atypical sexual characteristics such as gonads, chromosomes, and/or genitals. OII acknowledges intersex as a normal human biological variation, and rejects the terminology of disorder, as in DSD/Disorders of Sex Development, utilized by some other intersex groups, as well as the sexualization of intersex (as in Intersexuality). They acknowledge intersex people's own distinct sexuality, as people who may identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer, trans, straight, or other, in alliance with other members of the LGBTI population. 

 inter/Act Youth

Inter/Act is a youth program for intersex youth, run by intersex youth. All of our members are 14 - 25, have Intersex conditions or DSD (differences of sex development), and are in a place where they are ready to speak out about their experiences.

Advocates for Informed Choice

Advocates for Informed Choice uses innovative strategies to advocate for the legal and human rights of children born with intersex traits. These activities are grounded in a sense of respect and compassion for the children, parents, adults, and clinicians involved.

Intersex Society of North America

The (now defunct) Intersex Society of North America (ISNA) is devoted to systemic change to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female.




Founded in 2012, The Interface Project is curated and managed by Jim Ambrose. Their mission is to demystify and humanize the experiences of intersex individuals by affording each voice a space of its own.  This work continues with the sincere belief that a common language among Intersex people is waiting to be discovered under ground as yet unbroken. 

United Nations Free & Equal Campaign: Intersex Fact Sheet


United Nations Fact Sheet that breaks down the problems and solutions for those who want to learn more about the human rights challenges facing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people everywhere and the actions that can be taken to tackle violence and discrimination and protect their rights. These United Nations fact sheets break down the problems and the solutions.

Twelve UN agencies issue unprecedented joint statement on rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & intersex people

The statement highlights the link between human rights abuses against LGBTI people and ill health, family break-up, social and economic exclusion and lost opportunities for development and economic growth. It sets out specific steps that Governments, in particular, should take to curb violence and protect individuals from discrimination – including measures to improve the investigation and reporting of hate crimes, torture and ill-treatment, prohibit discrimination, and review and repeal all laws used to arrest, punish or discriminate against people on the basis of their sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

UN General AssemblyReport Of The Special Rapporteur On Torture

The report focuses on certain forms of abuses in health-care settings that may cross a threshold of mistreatment that is tantamount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. It identifies the policies that promote these practices and existing protection gaps.

Opening Remarks By Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, United Nations High Commissioner For Human Rights At The Expert Meeting On Ending Human Rights Violations Against Intersex Persons 

Geneva, 16 September 2015
"This is a historic meeting: the first time that the United Nations has convened a discussion specifically to address the human rights situation of intersex persons.

I am happy to see among us UN and regional mandate holders, intersex experts, colleagues from other UN agencies, experts from national institutions and academia, civil society activists and health professionals. I thank all of you for joining us to contribute to our common goal of ending human rights violations against intersex people.

When I started as High Commissioner a year ago, I knew little about intersex people. I don’t think I was alone in this: it reflects a general lack of awareness. Too many people assume, without really thinking about it, that everyone can be fitted into two distinct and mutually exclusive categories: male or female.

But in fact, human beings – like most living beings – are more diverse and complex than that. Our diversity – the differences between our experiences and perspectives, as well as the shapes of our bodies – is something that we should celebrate and protect, in all its forms.

All human beings are born equal in dignity and rights. Those foundational, bedrock principles of universality and equality mean that all of us, without exception, and regardless of our sex characteristics, are equally entitled to the protections of international human rights law.

Unfortunately, the myth that all human beings belong to one of two distinct and separate sexes is deep-rooted, and it contributes to the stigma, and even taboo, attached to being intersex.

This is linked to the very serious human rights violations that you are here today to discuss. They include medically unnecessary surgeries and other invasive treatment of intersex babies and children; infanticides of intersex babies; and widespread and life-long discrimination, including in education, employment, health, sports, accessing public services, birth registration and obtaining identity documents.

Such violations are rarely discussed and even more rarely investigated or prosecuted. The result is impunity for the perpetrators; lack of remedy for victims; and a perpetuating cycle of ignorance and abuse.

But there are signs that the tide may at last be turning, thanks to the tireless work of intersex organizations and human rights defenders, over many decades.

There have been clear recommendations by several human rights mechanisms urging States to take steps to address these violations. In a few States, there have been important court judgments and recently, new laws have begun to protect the rights of intersex people.

But much more must be done – both to raise awareness, and to document and prevent violations. Even in those countries that have taken positive steps, we need to bridge the gap between legislation and the lived realities of intersex people."